I have ingested more tea and coffee than any person should.

We have a chef who cooks for us. And a very regimented, yet not so rigorous daily schedule. Never in my life have I been fed so frequently, and so well. 

Breakfast, 5:00 AM
A standard Turkish breakfast of eggs, bread, cheese, vegetables, assorted spreads, and tea. This slightly blurry picture is the best I've done at 5 AM so far. 

Second Breakfast, 9:00 AM
Cheese and tomato sandwiches on this delicious fluffy pita bread, cookies, and tea. Having second breakfast every day makes me feel slightly like a hobbit. 

Lunch, 1:00 PM
A rotating schedule of dishes I can't identify, yogurt, and tomato salad. Along with Turkish coffee, and tea. Followed by nap time.

Tea Time, 3:30 PM

Cocktail Hour, 7:00 PM
Cocktails. No, tea. 

Dinner, 8:00 PM 
Another round of dishes that are delicious and that I don't know the name of, yogurt, tomato salad and Turkish coffee.

And then, bed. If only every dig went on this schedule. Or every job, for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so fresh and delicious. What a refreshing change from your routine at UCLA. There's even naptime! Enjoy.
